glow with the Flow








You're a highly observant, sensitive, intuitive, empathic, and creative soul who is seeking to empower yourself from the inside out.

You see, hear, feel or know things that go unnoticed by others that keep you second-guessing yourself.

You feel like a black sheep although are awakening to the realisation that you're a Rainbow Unicorn.

Maybe you've experienced trauma, loss, grief, or gaslighting.

Or maybe you're ready to take your first step on your self-discover journey and are feeling stuck as you're not sure where to start!


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Getting unstuck doesn't have to be hard.

Doing it by yourself doesn't have to happen.

Empowering yourself doesn't have to be difficult.

Why not give yourself the best chance of creating joyous and empowered experiences in your life? 

Join Your Path to Empowerment Hub for just AU$33 per month and get:

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Monthly LIVE Group Mentoring Session

Join me in person for our monthly Zoom Group Mentoring Session where we'll be exploring topics including Self Empowerment, Strengthening your Intuition, Mindfulness, Meditation, Gratitude, and more. Come with your questions and challenges, or celebrate your wins with us. Join live or catch the replay.

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Private & Inspiring Community

The private Facebook group is a friendly community where you can stay focused and on track, be surrounded by like-minded people, and enjoy the inspiration. A sacred space to connect, explore and glow with the flow together.

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Access my Inner Orbit

Get direct access and in-person mentorship from me. Join today for Monthly Live Group Mentoring and I'll share my Secret Weapons with you. Everything you need to make your empowered life a reality.

Hello Beautiful Soul!

Want access to my inner orbit where I'm happy to share with you everything I know about Self Empowerment?

You're in the right place!

Welcome to Your Path to Empowerment Hub Mentoring Membership!

The place I can sprinkle an abundance of love on you.

I can share with you everything I know. Everything I've learned from creating magic with my unique mindset and energy toolkit - my secret weapons!

I'm here to help you create an empowered and abundant life. All while ditching the doubts (and negative self-talk too, if that's what you need - winky face!)

Let's create some mind-blowing magic together!

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Simone's mind was blown!

Imagine what could happen for YOU!

Leonie McNamara

“Leonie's intuition and foresight are truly mind-blowing!

Her ability to help bring out and realise your own intuition is so much fun.

I completed My Reiki Levels I, II, and Masters with Leonie in a group setting, and her patience and inclusion of everyone during group work is outstanding.

She has a very welcoming, warm, calm, and caring presence that makes it easy to quickly call her a friend.

Thanks so much for everything Leonie. I truly appreciate it. ”

Healer - Gold Coast

 Why Listen to me?

I'm Leonie McNamara, your Intuitive Mentor.

I've been teaching unique energy and mindset strategies to inspiring souls for over 23 years and I've helped hundreds of people just like you...

transform turmoil into peacefulness, confusion into clarity, and create meaningful transformations organically.

Glow With The Flow Mentoring Membership includes everything you need to glow with the flow, with confidence.

Let me be your mentor, sounding board, and empowerment guide.

Together we can do it!


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Leonie McNamara
Danielle Fredericks - Mother, Beauty Therapist & Educator -  QLD

“Leonie has helped me more times than I could even count and I can't thank her enough for all the help and guidance she has given me.
The days seem so much brighter and I have so much more to look forward to for myself and my children.
I am not someone that finds it easy to communicate my personal feelings and thoughts, although Leonie always finds a way to help guide me out of my darkness.
The gentle, calming and loving feeling Leonie has offered me has helped me through personal experiences including grief, relationship breakdown, anxiety, career and parenting confusion.
I have and still do recommend Leonie to all my friends, family and students.
Every single person, no matter how large or small your issue, will feel lighter after a session with Leonie””

Mother, Beauty Therapist & Educator - QLD

I believe in you and your ability to make positive and courageous changes in your LIFE. Let's DO THIS TOGETHER!

Questions I Know Curious People Like You Will Ask

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:

When are the Monthly LIVE Mentoring Sessions held?

The FIRST Tuesday evening of each month @ 6:30pm- 8:00pmAEST 

Convert to your local time here.

Do I need to join the LIVE Mentoring Sessions?

I'd love for you to join live via Zoom, or you can catch the replay.

What will I experience inside Glow With The Flow?

Direct access to me. We get to hang out LIVE! You can learn from my 25+ years of experience as a Mentor and 57 years of life experience. Whaaaat! Yeah, I know right! I'm only 57 years young! PLUS...I will be your #1 cheerleader and guide you throughout your journey.

What is your expertise?

My expertise is seeing, hearing, and feeling beyond the physical to help you discover the root cause of your trauma, nurture your emotional intelligence, and take control of your life from the inside out. Empowering!

What is a Mentor?

As a Mentor, I offer guidance and support based on my personal experience, expertise, and wisdom.

What fuels your passion?

For me, it’s witnessing the joyous and empowered transformations of those I work with—alongside my own journey of transcending generational, physical, sexual, and emotional trauma, one empowered step at a time. This path has led me to Glow With the Flow, showing up each day to inspire others to step into their light with confidence and ease.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes! You can join for just a month or stay as long as you like. To unsubscribe, simply click on the unsubscribe button! Easy!

Can I invite a friend to join?

Absolutely! Imagine how loved, seen, heard, and supported they will feel knowing you thought of them and shared this heartfelt invitation. When you invite someone to Glow With the Flow, the impact and power are amplified—and it becomes an even more beautiful and joyful experience!

Love to know more?

Love to know more? Click here to send me an email with your questions, and I'll be in touch!





Amanda says...

"Leonie helped save my life!"

Leonie McNamara
Amanda Coscina - Interior Designer - Los Angeles USA

“Even though I live halfway around the world in the USA, Leonie has been able to guide my spirit and energy through positive growth and healing. She gave me inner calm and peace to fearlessly move forward in the direction I desired. I cannot imagine going through life not feeling this strong, ever again. Leonie’s Mentoring Sessions have helped save my life - and I look forward to working with her in person one day. Thank You Leonie! ”

Interior Designer - Los Angeles USA


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This is right for you if...

  • You're a highly observant, sensitive, intuitive, empathic, introverted, or creative soul. 
  • You see, hear, feel or know things that go unnoticed by others.
  • You feel like a black sheep in your family or community. We Rainbow Unicorns experience life differently and need to stick together!
  • You have a passion for learning and are ready to dive deeper into all things Self-Love, Self-Healing, Self-Empowerment, Strengthening your Intuition, Mindfulness, Meditation, Gratitude, and more.
  • You'd love to have me as your #1 cheerleader guiding you through your journey!

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This is not right for you if...


  • You don't believe in woo-woo stuff.
  • You're seeking a quick fix. I will never promise instant results - even though they are possible and magic does happen. 
  • You're not ready to nurture a growth mindset and explore how changing your thoughts can change your future and help you build healthy relationships.
  • You're looking for a structured experience. Even though I teach with a glow-with-the-flow approach, you will learn proven mindset and energy tools and techniques to help you create meaningful experiences in your life. Everything you need to make your empowered life a reality.



Leonie McNamara
Linda Lonsdale - Tweed Coast

“I have two books on my bedside table that are my “GO TO” books for inspiration, healing and reconnecting with what is real.
One is Leonie McNamara’s “Hidden Secrets of Self Healing” and the other is Oprah Winfrey’s “What I Know For Sure”.
Both books have the same level of appreciation to me, both written so beautifully and thoughtfully to heal and connect with the soul. I hope Oprah gets the opportunity to read Leonie’s book as I feel she will be inspired.”

Tweed Coast

Leonie McNamara
Izobell Terrell - Massage Therapist - Melbourne

“Leonie has been a guiding light for me right from the start.
If it was not for her encouragement and guidance I would not have reached the level of self-belief I am at now.
Leonie has taught me to have confidence in my abilities and has helped me market these abilities in ways I never thought possible.
Leonie guides and teaches with light and love, which is the most powerful of all.
She has touched my life and left a mark that will remain with me forever... I am blessed in so many ways to have her in my life. ”

Massage Therapist - Melbourne

Leonie McNamara
Nikki McMahon - Tweed Coast - NSW

“Our Mindfulness Retreat with Leonie McNamara was the best time and money I have spent on myself ever. Leonie's retreats are mind blowing in every way. All I can say is DO IT! Find a way to attend, make it happen for yourself. I can't assume what will happen for you when you attend because everyone is on their own journey. Whatever your journey is, Leonie will help guide you to achieving it in the most gentle and natural way. Thank you for coming into my life! You are amazing! xo”

Tweed Coast - NSW

surrounding yourself with like-minded, motivated people...is priceless!

14-Day Happiness Guarantee


My promise to you - If you don't love being a Member of Your Path to Empowerment, reach out to me and I will be happy to give you a full refund - no questions asked.


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Leonie McNamara
Courtenay Knight - Lover of all animals, especially Unicorns - Qld

“Hello, hello, hello beautiful earth angel! I just wanted to reach out and share my absolute gratitude for you and all you have done! I've been in a bit of a dark headspace the last few weeks and yesterday found the power to want beyond that...first thing that popped into my mind was to read your book - Hidden Secrets of Self Healing! I started last night and as I read I hear the words through your voice. I love it! Reading it is exactly how you speak with the emphasis here and there and exclamations hehe, it's just beautiful! I am eternally grateful to have met you and to be a part of one another's journey. Xx”

Lover of all animals, especially Unicorns - Qld


If you've read this far...then you're serious about getting help to create joyous and empowered experiences in your life.

Because even if you've already taken steps to build your confidence, connect with your inner wisdom, and maybe even feel empowered...

You Know You're Ready To Expand Your Consciousness.

You Just Need Someone To Show You How.

That's where I come in...

Imagine if, for the first time, you felt confident that your mindset and energy were aligned with your soul's purpose (without second-guessing yourself)

And you were surrounded by people who are ready to be your biggest cheerleaders and see you thrive!

And you moved from being stuck to feeling a pure and organic sense of freedom to honour your soul's calling

And you were overflowing with excitement to take the next steps (without the fear of doing it alone)

And you had the mindset and energy tools and techniques to make that happen, without feeling overwhelmed.

Because You Have It In You.

We Just Need To Bring It Out!



Talk soon,

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not quite ready to join yet?

But you want to know my 7 Top Tips For Self-Empowerment?

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Imagine having solid foundations in place so you can concentrate on your happiness & nurture your soul.

People who consciously decide to take control of their lives are often happier, more fulfilledand more satisfied in all areas of their lives.

If you're ready to create a solid foundation for transforming your life, download my free guide.

  • HSOSH Product Image  (700 × 380 px) (5) Hidden Secrets of Self Healing Book

    Whether you're looking to inspire yourself or give the gift of transformation to someone special, this exclusive offer is the perfect way to take your experience with "Hidden Secrets of Self Healing" to the next level.

    This beautifully nurturing and powerful book is designed to help you reconnect with your soul's wisdom and guide you on a journey toward personal growth and positive change.

    Grab a copy today and take the next inspiring step on your journey to self-discovery and personal growth.

    AUD 30.00

    “My husband and I had separated, and I was dealing with a roller coaster of emotions in regards to that whole situation.
    Leonie taught me ways to process what was going on and not let it take over my whole life and completely consume me in a negative way.
    I needed to stay connected to my two young children who needed me more than ever. I learned to live in the moment more and enjoy the small stuff.
    There is always so many things to be truly grateful for even when you are working through a negative time in your life.
    I have continued to grow and learn so much more from Leonie's gentle guided meditations and discussions.
    Thank goodness a wonderful friend had been telling me about Leonie for a while, and she kept asking me to come along.
    I'm so grateful I did.......it has changed my outlook so much, not just on what I was dealing with at that particular time.
    I love how Leonie's approach is organic, gentle and real. Leonie is very calm and easy to talk to. There is no judgement.”

The results may not be typical, and can't be taken in any way as a guarantee of the results you would receive.  I can't guarantee your success - only you can do that, through your commitment and dedication to creating joyous and empowered experiences in your life.

Get support at leonie@leoniemcnamara.com