I'd Like to Make a Confession

Everyone Has a Story!
I’m unsure about you, although when it comes to sharing personal experiences or intimate details about my life it can sometimes feel ‘just a teeny tiny little bit uncomfortable’.
And yet, sharing our stories can have a delightfully positive impact on the lives of others!
I know that I personally learn, grow and understand my Self more deeply from listening to the stories of other beautiful souls.
They help me to know that I’m never alone on my journey!
They gently remind me there are others who have walked a similar path!
And…They really speak to my heart when I hear the adversity that they've experienced and yet have chosen to learn from those moments in time and are now creating happy, healthy and successful lives.
Which leads me to...
I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed!
Back in 2016 I Self Published a book called ,‘Hidden Secrets of Self Healing – 7 Easy Steps to Take Control of Your Life from the Inside Out’.
I vividly recall the day of the #BookLaunch !
Nearly 100 people had booked their seat to join me that evening and I felt deep, deep gratitude for their love, support and kindness.
I was excited, I was nervous, I was grateful for the opportunity to share my story and at the same time I was unaware of the impact it would have on my own life.
This one experience was incredibly profound and healing in ways I could have never imagined.
During the day I took my Self outside to sit quietly and choose some excerpts from the book to share with my guests.
I carefully selected a few sections, read them quietly in my mind and then thought it would be best to ‘practice’ reading them out loud.
I had no idea that reading excerpts from my story out loud, even whilst I was alone, would have such a huge effect on me.
I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed!
I hyperventilated!
I could barely speak!
There were loooooong moments when I was trying to speak although the words were stuck!
A side note: It’s super rare that I cry – so for this to be happening – it really took me by surprise!
Since that day, my story has changed.
Of course I still experienced the moments that I shared within the pages of my book although the energy shifted and changed.
It was like a veil was lifted.
From that moment on I related to my experiences differently.
Some of the triggers and emotions that were connected with those stories began to diminish or dissolve.
The turmoil I endured for all those years began to gently subside and I now feel a sense of freedom.
A freedom that enables me to breathe, know that I’m perfect just as I am AND realise how sharing from our hearts can help to heal our world and the world of others.
I'd Like to Make a Confession
I'd love to share with you #3 excerpts from Chapter One, which is titled ‘I’d Like to Make a Confession’.
Excerpt #1
This All Began As A Young Child –
As a very young girl, I was affected by the physical, mental and emotional pain of others. As an extremely ‘sensitive’ child, the burden became significant.
I struggled to understand why I was thinking and feeling that way and what to do with those thoughts and feelings. Those confronting, and at times confusing experiences, led me to internalise much of what was happening.
As I entered my teens, I began to discover the real depth and power of the mind and the interesting way in which our minds push memories to places which are, at times, beyond our reach. I’ve often wondered if this is for our own protection or if it’s something we do deliberately to avoid the need to deal with unpleasant experiences.
I’ve also wondered if certain memories only ‘bubble to the surface’ when we’re capable of dealing with them.
Our Past Has A Huge Impact On Our Future…if we allow it –
In my mid-teens I was listening to a young lady speak about her experience of being indecently assaulted (throughout her childhood). In that moment it was like a light came on for me! A bright white light which struck me in the forehead! My immediate thoughts were ‘Oh my God that also happened to me!” Those thoughts were mind-numbing!
I ‘felt’ for this young girl who was sharing her story, whilst at the same time endeavouring to come to grips with the fact that I had endured a similar experience – an experience that had been locked away ‘somewhere in my memory-banks’. Suddenly, my own memories came rushing back...
Excerpt #2
Living With Anxiety –
In my late 30’s whilst in the midst of enjoying my newfound way of thinking and living, I was thrown a ‘curve ball’. I experienced my first ever anxiety attack! I was gripped with fear, terror and panic.
I was overwhelmed by the fear and a strange feeling of dying. I was convinced that if I closed my eyes, I would die. I struggled to breathe properly. My mind was racing. To say the feeling was frightening is an understatement. In the weeks and months following my initial anxiety attack, I felt extremely debilitated. In the coming days, weeks and months, the attacks occurred indiscriminately and consumed me with shear terror. My self confidence completely dissolved while physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually I felt severely challenged.
I plunged into a very dark place. On a number of occasions I felt life was way too difficult.
Mentally and emotionally I was exhausted. The fear was overwhelming.
Completing normal daily activities required a huge effort. Being able to think clearly was almost impossible due to the energy I was expending in trying to keep my life together...
Excerpt #3
The Final Few Words in Chapter One –
Has my life always been easy and free from issues since I embarked on this conscious journey of self discovery? No!
Have I experienced trials and difficult times since learning about self healing and embracing a positive mindset? Yes!
I’m so proud that I pushed through my own limiting beliefs and fears, stepped out of my comfort zone and have been blessed with these amazing opportunities.
Upon reflection I feel I was and continue to be, extremely strong willed and realise now my resilience to life and my experiences are incredibly amazing.
If you feel within your own heart you would love to enjoy a journey of self discovery, self healing and self love, even if you feel a little bit of trepidation, fear or skepticism, then please honour your self and your heart.
Take a leap of faith and trust in your self.
There are times in your life when ‘stuff happens’. With powerful tools, resources and knowledge, you CAN take control of your life and make a difference in the world.
Take a moment to focus on your gentle breath, listen to your intuition and if you feel you are ready to embrace your courage and make significant changes in your life…now is the time to allow yourself the opportunity to be enveloped in an experience of a new way of thinking and living.
I guarantee you will be happy you did!
Heartfelt Messages
Since publishing my book in 2016 I've received dozens of heartfelt messages from beautiful souls who have shared their love of 'Hidden Secrets of Self Healing' with me and spoken about how it has helped to significantly change their lives.
A message from my heart to yours...
May YOUR journey of self discovery be filled with an abundance of magical aha moments and your heart be healed from within.
With love and kindness
Leonie xx

CLICK HERE if you'd love to learn more about
'Hidden Secrets of Self Healing -
7 Easy Steps to Take Control of Your Life from the Inside Out'
OR to secure your very own copy.
A little bit of Client Love...
Hello gorgeous Leonie.
I'm loving your book and drinking in each word written.
I can even hear your voice on the paper.
Jenny Brown xxx
A little bit more...Client Love
I have two books on my bedside table that are my 'GO TO' books for
inspiration, healing and reconnecting with what is real.
One is Leonie McNamara's 'Hidden Secrets of Self Healing'
and the other is Oprah Winfrey's 'What I Know for Sure'.
Both books have the same level of appreciation to me,
both written so beautifully and thoughtfully
to heal and connect with the soul.
I hope Oprah gets the opportunity to
read Leonie's book as I feel she will be inspired.
Linda Lonsdale
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