What I Learnt About 'Self Love' Over The Last Decade

I’ve had times over the past 10 years when I’ve learnt about Self Love, the HARD WAY!
Ooo!! Yeah!!
I’ve been through times when I was mentally, spiritually and physically burnt out AND emotionally drained!
Does this sound familiar to you?
My most recent experience was late in 2019 when my body eventually screamed at me to STOP!!
I ended up spending a couple of weeks on the lounge, barely functioning! Hahaha!
I can laugh about it now BUT not back then!
Woah! It was incredibly uncomfortable – to say the least!
The best way I can describe it is that I felt like I was experiencing a massive detoxification!
I had experienced something similar many years previously although this was on a completely whole new level!
I got through to the other side! Hahaha!
While I was ‘resting and recuperating’ I ensured I practiced daily meditations.
Each time I created time to quiet my mind and slip into a deep meditation, I enjoyed lovingly and gently being guided to make some powerful and positive changes with my mindset, daily habits AND choices, which I’m excited to say are now supporting me to enjoy a beautiful NEW flow of energy!
This leads me to…
The number one lesson I've learned about #SelfLove over the last decade is to create ‘ME TIME’!
As an empath, introvert and an incredibly sensitive soul I’ve discovered that Self Love and ‘Me Time’ is a must for my health and well-being!
Yay! I have now set clear new boundaries for my Self AND changed my parameters when it comes to saying ‘YES’ and ‘NO to the opportunities that pop up!
I’ve discovered a beautiful new attitude to happily and vibrantly ‘Glow with the Flow’!
‘Me Time’ is about giving myself permission to recharge my batteries, regroup, gather my thoughts, detach from others and connect with myself on a deeper level.
‘Me Time’ gifts me the opportunity to breathe, dream, do what I truly love without limitations and feel a deep sense of peace.
Are you an #empath,#introvert or #sensitivesoul?
The interesting thing about empaths, introverts and incredibly sensitive souls is that they love their own company, there's no need to have that connection with others ALL the time to feed and nurture their soul, they love quiet time alone to grow spiritually, emotionally and energetically in their own time and in their own space.
Can you relate to this?
‘#MeTime’ is crucial for unconditional Self Love and once you discover the powerful effects it has on creating a healthy, happy and vibrant life filled with an abundance of positive vibes and success, you’ll fall in love with your Self even more deeply each time you gift your Self permission to enjoy bathing in this sacred space you’ve create.
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